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Separate logistics

When to use?

Separate logistics is the division of tasks for the collection and delivery of goods between different vehicles. In this case, the fleet is divided into two segments:

  1. transport, which only picks up cargo from customers;
  2. transport that only delivers goods to customers.

Separate logistics is most beneficial when:

  • a lot of orders are made in a small area;
  • you have to spend a lot of time in the warehouse, in queues, when processing documents or in loading and unloading operations.

Separate logistics helps to minimize the number of visits to the warehouse by vehicles - it comes down to one visit per day.


Schema for case

How to implement the script?

Through setting requirements for performers.


Example 1

We know how many trucks we can use for delivery, and how many for picking up goods from customers.

  • For the order order_client_pickup the requirement to the executor is performer_restrictions = pickup.
  • For an order order_client_drop the requirement for the performer is performer_restrictions = drop.

When planning, 2 routes will be built:

  • The first route will execute the driver with the property performer_features = pickup and deliver the order order_client_pickup.
  • The second order will be lucky driver with the property performer_features = drop.

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Example 2

We do not know how many cars can be allocated for delivery, and how many for pickup.

An order requirement was specified with the key order_client_drop order_restrictions = drop. This means that only an order with the order_features = drop property can get on the trip to this order.

The order with the key order_client_pickup has the requirement order_restrictions = pickup. This means that only an order with the order_features = pickup property can get on the trip with this order.

In accordance with these requirements, 2 routes will be built during planning.

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