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Soft Compatibility - Zones

When to use?

When you need to plan delivery with the binding of performers - drivers and vehicles - to specific areas: for example, areas they are familiar with. Small violations of this rule are allowed to make delivery more efficient.


Schema for case

How to implement the script?

In the scheduling settings, add the penalties block according to the documentation and list in the compatibilities array, for which tag which penalty can be received.

Important: this functionality only works with the optimize_money configuration.


There are two orders with a centr transport requirement. They must be completed at the same time. There are cars: one with the centr property, the second one with the petr property.

With normal scheduling, only one order will be included in the trip.

Let's see what happens to the second one:

  • If soft compatibility is used, then the second order will be delivered by a machine with the petr property. The penalty for violating the zone will be much less than the earnings from completing this order.
  • If soft compatibility is not used, then a machine with the petr property will fail the second order, because the penalty for violating the zone will be much greater than the earnings for completing this order.